The digitalHUB Aachen in the digitalCHURCH was created as a digitalisation centre as part of the DWNRW initiative of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs. Along with five other funded digitalisation centres in NRW, the digitalHUB Aachen is part of the “Digital Economy NRW (DWNRW)” initiative. With its DWNRW initiative, the Ministry of Economics, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia. is pursuing the goal of increasing the attraction of digital start-ups and spin-offs and building a start-up scene that is outstanding throughout Germany and internationally. At the same time, established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia are to be networked with the digital start-up scene and thus further develop their existing business models, open up new business areas and pick up on technological progress at an early stage.
Udo Glaser, head of the SME division and member of the management board at digitalHUB Aachen; Dr. Oliver Grün, chairman of the board of digitalHUB Aachen and CEO of GRÜN Software Group, and Michael F. Bayer, CEO of IHK Aachen and member of the board of digitalHUB Aachen, received the funding notification for digitalHUB Aachen from NRW Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Mona Neubaur. ©MWIKE NRW/ A. Bowinkelmann
The New Business Factory (NBF) promotes the digital transformation of professionals, startups, and companies in the Rhenish Mining Area. This innovative digital factory is composed of three core pillars: education, founding, and growth, contributing to the systematic further development of the digital transformation of the economy. In close collaboration with the consortium partners from FH Aachen and the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at RWTH Aachen (RWTH TIM), an innovation ecosystem is created in which the actors of the Rhenish Mining Area can continue to successfully collaborate economically in the future. The area is intended to develop strategies as a model region that can be applied to other regions. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
For more information about the project and participation:
The digitalHUB was able to further expand its close collaboration with RWTH Aachen University, which has existed since its foundation, within the framework of the Excellence Start-up Centre (ESC). The digitalHUB Aachen’s offer for digital business models is aimed not only at digital start-ups but also at technology start-ups from Aachen’s universities. In addition, the digitalHUB Aachen takes on the supervision of digital non-deeptech spin-offs as part of the RWTH Incubator. In this context, the digitalHUB Aachen in the digitalCHURCH is the urban extension of a possible Excellence Start-up Centre on the non-urban RWTH Campus and will at the same time be firmly anchored in a possible ESC on the RWTH Campus in terms of personnel and space.
More information on the Excellence Start-up Centre can be found here:
Motivated by the desire to pave the way to digitalisation for SMEs, enable the use of AI and thereby create efficient and intelligent business processes, partners from various fields of expertise have joined forces in the EDIH Rheinland consortium. The Europe-wide network aims to bring digitalisation and AI solutions and the knowledge required for their application to SMEs through technical impetus, training programmes and cross-industry support projects. The HPC ecosystem enables companies participating in the project to utilise computing power-intensive applications without having to invest in their own resources. This not only makes it easier to get started with AI-driven business processes, but also reduces administrative and maintenance costs.
The EDIH Rhineland also serves as a neutral point of contact for project organisers, providers and users. The scope of the EDIH Rhineland is not limited to the immediate Rhineland area, but also supports Westphalian companies and companies in the vicinity of the border triangle between Germany, the Dutch province of Limburg and the Belgian Walloon region, including the French and German-speaking areas of the country.
More information about the project and the partners involved can be found here:
Partners involved:
AIA – Lehrstuhl für Strömungslehre und Aerodynamisches InstitutCATS – Chair for Computational Analysis of Technical Systems | ICE – Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems | Informatik 11 – Embedded Software | IME – Metallurgische Prozesstechnik und Metallrecycling | RWTH IT Center | FIR e.V. an der RWTH Aachen | Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT | Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT | digitalHUB Aachen e.V. | RWTH Innovation GmbH | REGINA e.V. – REGionaler INdustrieclub Informatik Aachen | Stadt Aachen
The “Take a Seat in the Euregion” offer is aimed at start-ups from the following incubators in the border triangle:
Corda Campus (B), Brightlands Smart Service Campus (NL) and digitalHUB Aachen (D). The project is supported by the funding agencies LRM (B), LIOF (NL) and NRW.Bank (D).
Participating start-ups gain experience abroad and get valuable new input because the incubators pursue different funding approaches. To benefit from “Take a Seat in the Euregion”, start-ups simply signal their interest to their contact persons, and the project partners will take care of making the exchange possible.
The advantages for the start-ups:
• Acquisition of intercultural competences
• Exchange with start-ups, investors and consultants in other European countries
• Get to know the market and the market opportunities for your own product beyond the borders
• Possibility to establish first contacts with international business partners
• Uncomplicated participation and low costs
Digital start-ups that would like to apply for this programme should contact
Climate-neutral Aachen 2030 – We are part of it!
The city of Aachen has set itself the goal of being climate-neutral by 2030.
A liveable Aachen concerns us all. And the change starts with us. As a grassroots partner, we have signed the Aachen Climate City Agreement and, together with over 100 other local stakeholders, are taking responsibility for the common goal: a healthy, CO2-neutral Aachen.
The Climate City Agreement is a comprehensive plan for the local transformation process towards a climate-neutral city. It is also the first milestone of the EU mission “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030”. Together with 99 other mission cities, Aachen was selected by the EU Commission to become a role model for all European municipalities. The Climate City Contract is an important instrument, a seal of quality and a testimony to a serious and sustainable concept for achieving climate neutrality by 2030.